~Got broke up with my love one.. its my decision though ~ Baka me at that time.. its "the thing to be regret but not to be upset ne" modified quote from my fic~omo~ i did remember the date we broke up~
~ oh no specific incident.. it happen to be some one birthday~ ho yeah.. as for today

~Happy Birthday~
Selamat Ulang Tahun~
Nurhazwani Binti Mohd Zain
Zakiah Ainul Kamal @ ~ZaXiah Junsu~

~Happy Birthday~
Selamat Ulang Tahun~
Nurhazwani Binti Mohd Zain
Zakiah Ainul Kamal @ ~ZaXiah Junsu~

~ Precious moment where i fall for KAT-TUN specifically on Ueda Tatsuya~ The story begins in 2008 ... but not actually remember what day because didn't expect it gonna bring me crazy till like this..hehe~

Since that i did really dont know how i could really like him SOO MUCH.. Well he is Cute.. Sweet..Adorable..Kawaii ne...Suddenly, one day, lynn-kun says.. He is KAT-T'U'N..Standing as "U"......What?!
..I've tought he is just Ueda and Ueda is Ueda Tatsuya.....(**note: sorry for this statment) Well....Start to know KAT-TUN..They are GREAT....Combination of different personalities but still can stand n being ONE.........Then, lynn-kun start to tell story about Ueda Tatsuya....KAT-TUN....JOHNNY's (NEWS, Hey!Say!JUMP!, Kanjani 8.....included Ya-Ya-yah)
The 1st KAT-TUN song that I've heard is DUES.. DUES was release a few weeks before i got to know KAT-TUN n in comes with Ueda - Ai no Hana.. another hitz of piano ^^...
I can say that KAT-TUN hitz me in one shot. and its really takes time for me to get know each of them.. till now I still cant called myself as true fans as there is so much thing that I dunno bout them.. Still have to study bout this..
The moment that i've become obses with KAT-TUN happen drastically n unconciously..Of course i've to thanks to my deary friends lynn-kun for letting me know KAT-TUN..
I've start to collect friends by net who is fans of KAT-TUN.. Starting from poll voting for JE boys in poprainbow, i've start to be active there and get to know Eastyarn,farah_ichigo,yuna,and kazuzati and some more . The first and the last fan meetup that i've been up until now is at the poprainbow anniversary event last year..hehe, i remember the date as i declare it my anniversary with KAT-TUN too. 31 MAY after all~ I remember that i've meet isyan n yuna there.. other? sorry.. cant remember...
now here i am...
KAT-TUN is a group of member that is just nice to stand as 6...
It is just like a rainbow that cant lose one of its colour and no need extra colour..
The 6 voices is just good as fruit with different taste but nice to be eat together or separately. (**humor : just like rojak...^^)
KAT-TUN will not be KAT-TUN without K.A.T.T.U.N
Every 6 of them have their own strength an attraction..
KAT-TUN forever... Lets Spread their wings and make it world wide...
Loving KAT-TUN, no regret~~
KAT-TUN..We exist in six~
I'm having my 1st KAT-TUN anniversary.. luckily it was on fan meetup.. i really enjoy that moment.. but then it was my 1st and last one.. hope to make another meet up soon.. Hey girls, i really want to have KAT-TUN fangirling day.. ^^
Yatta this year.. hehe.. i found out that i have lots of idea this year to write a fic.. so, ive start one as you can see i already post it before.. unfortunately i dont have anyone to celebrate my anniversary with KAT-TUN here.. so i made a bunch of wallies n already post in on my Lj.. hehe.. yatta~ Its a beautiful beautiful beautiful days~~ "quote from Heart Beat by KAT-TUN~"
~ Precious moment where i fall for KAT-TUN specifically on Ueda Tatsuya~ The story begins in 2008 ... but not actually remember what day because didn't expect it gonna bring me crazy till like this..hehe~

It start about in May..
That day, i was studying in my friend room...F.Y.I previously I was Korean Craze..So, i have lots of lots Korean Song.. I can say that most of the drama that i've watch i'll make sure that i'va the OST without bothering bout the singer ^^ *cruel me ne~*
On that day..We was sharing a pair of earphone
, one side each hearing to my Korean Playlist in my phone..When it come to "Memories" an OST from " Yu-Hee the Witch" ..Suddenly, yuii-ichee Said, "Well this song is more a like....urm.. What it is..Urm... lynn-kun (yuii-ichee roomate)..!! What is that song
u used to play this song, Why dont you play it.."
~Then, she play...
Note** the script suppose to be in malay n i've translate it and until today still cant figure out how does the two song related in term of music notes..
Waa...nice piano note...Lovely...really fall in love at a first sight.. huhu..no first sight actually.... it is first time hearing.. Plus, I'm that kind who really and easily attracted to Piano n Violin instrument....They are lovely....even they are not alive, they seems like understand me....giving me the true feeling.....Without hearing all the song (just the piano part)..... Bluetooth please!! Hehe~ Got it..!! Thank You...
Ooo.. I see.. "Love in snow"..Urm..Lovely..Starting from that point.. My Music playlist was filled with only one song.. There is just one and only one song "Love in Snow".... Repeating the piano part without hearing the rest..Lovely..Well after about five times I start being tired to repeat as i have to stop...play...stop...play... Then, i was thinking..why dont give a chance to the song and hear whole song as it comes together~
**Setsunakunaru kaerimichi..................Yamu hazuno nai yuki wo?......lalala la........**
For a week that is the only song that I hear every single day n every single time i was with my phone..I'm telling this for serious..no lies... Several day after that, lynn-kun shows me the singer picture..

**it was exactly this is the 1st pic of tatchan that i've seen
Is it? Well, of course no comment bout that..What was his name..? He is Ueda..Ueda Tatsuya..n he wrote by himself that song..hurmm~~~*no comment at that time*
That day, i was studying in my friend room...F.Y.I previously I was Korean Craze..So, i have lots of lots Korean Song.. I can say that most of the drama that i've watch i'll make sure that i'va the OST without bothering bout the singer ^^ *cruel me ne~*

On that day..We was sharing a pair of earphone

~Then, she play...
Note** the script suppose to be in malay n i've translate it and until today still cant figure out how does the two song related in term of music notes..

Ooo.. I see.. "Love in snow"..Urm..Lovely..Starting from that point.. My Music playlist was filled with only one song.. There is just one and only one song "Love in Snow".... Repeating the piano part without hearing the rest..Lovely..Well after about five times I start being tired to repeat as i have to stop...play...stop...play... Then, i was thinking..why dont give a chance to the song and hear whole song as it comes together~
**Setsunakunaru kaerimichi..................Yamu hazuno nai yuki wo?......lalala la........**
For a week that is the only song that I hear every single day n every single time i was with my phone..I'm telling this for serious..no lies... Several day after that, lynn-kun shows me the singer picture..

**it was exactly this is the 1st pic of tatchan that i've seen
Is it? Well, of course no comment bout that..What was his name..? He is Ueda..Ueda Tatsuya..n he wrote by himself that song..hurmm~~~*no comment at that time*
__________THIS IS THE STARTING POINT_________
Since that i did really dont know how i could really like him SOO MUCH.. Well he is Cute.. Sweet..Adorable..Kawaii ne...Suddenly, one day, lynn-kun says.. He is KAT-T'U'N..Standing as "U"......What?!

The 1st KAT-TUN song that I've heard is DUES.. DUES was release a few weeks before i got to know KAT-TUN n in comes with Ueda - Ai no Hana.. another hitz of piano ^^...
I can say that KAT-TUN hitz me in one shot. and its really takes time for me to get know each of them.. till now I still cant called myself as true fans as there is so much thing that I dunno bout them.. Still have to study bout this..
The moment that i've become obses with KAT-TUN happen drastically n unconciously..Of course i've to thanks to my deary friends lynn-kun for letting me know KAT-TUN..
I've start to collect friends by net who is fans of KAT-TUN.. Starting from poll voting for JE boys in poprainbow, i've start to be active there and get to know Eastyarn,farah_ichigo,yuna,and kazuzati and some more . The first and the last fan meetup that i've been up until now is at the poprainbow anniversary event last year..hehe, i remember the date as i declare it my anniversary with KAT-TUN too. 31 MAY after all~ I remember that i've meet isyan n yuna there.. other? sorry.. cant remember...

KAT-TUN is a group of member that is just nice to stand as 6...
It is just like a rainbow that cant lose one of its colour and no need extra colour..
The 6 voices is just good as fruit with different taste but nice to be eat together or separately. (**humor : just like rojak...^^)
KAT-TUN will not be KAT-TUN without K.A.T.T.U.N
Every 6 of them have their own strength an attraction..
KAT-TUN forever... Lets Spread their wings and make it world wide...
Loving KAT-TUN, no regret~~
KAT-TUN..We exist in six~
I'm having my 1st KAT-TUN anniversary.. luckily it was on fan meetup.. i really enjoy that moment.. but then it was my 1st and last one.. hope to make another meet up soon.. Hey girls, i really want to have KAT-TUN fangirling day.. ^^
Yatta this year.. hehe.. i found out that i have lots of idea this year to write a fic.. so, ive start one as you can see i already post it before.. unfortunately i dont have anyone to celebrate my anniversary with KAT-TUN here.. so i made a bunch of wallies n already post in on my Lj.. hehe.. yatta~ Its a beautiful beautiful beautiful days~~ "quote from Heart Beat by KAT-TUN~"
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