**buying the DVD just because its Ueda debut drama.. hehe
**watching sleepy tatsu make me want to sleep~ oyasumi~~ zzzzz

**watching sleepy tatsu make me want to sleep~ oyasumi~~ zzzzz
Well.. not the main point of writing..Well, i went to mu cussie wedding yesterday...guess what got that unofficial role~ huhu.. talking about wedding there is such ton of story.. i miss out my best cussie wedding that i regret... i also used to be "pengapit" that appointed on the spot (my scarf not even been iron that day..poor my cussie get me on that role) and yesterday, i am bride food decorator...adoyay...sitting for a long time and dealing with obachan is tiring~
**lazy mode to upload the pic.. huhu..lazy day~
**lazy mode to upload the pic.. huhu..lazy day~
todays note:: no emoji.. lazy to put one~
:: hurt my back...arh.. so stiff.. really doesnot loke like me~
:: no current music or mood coz have non~
:: hurt my back...arh.. so stiff.. really doesnot loke like me~
:: no current music or mood coz have non~
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