Its 23rd April..ah.. so much things had happen to me ever since..
I haven't write things since last holiday..
.. urm where should i start..
Business week..
i did business in this week.. we sold
.. hehe.. of course my idea..well i try to make it more Japanese but..failed..
.. it just common Malaysian bento type.. a rice with chicken fried with batter.. sandwich and balls.. hehe.. accidentally it was on my roommate birthday
.. so i make specially decorated bento for her..
.. in future i wish i could make bento for my love
..^^...the business profit is just fine~
FASA week...
nothing much in the FASA week but something happen and its make me sad
plus i have no respect toward this and evaluate yourself..
..lets label him MR.X.. MR. X scold me for going back home.. seriously i already feel bad since I the decision to buy the ticket in a short think since i really hardly miss my mom.. plus i need to see her before i had my final..but his text really kills me.. the worst guy I've ever met.. thinking like he just the best.. well, he never notice that in the hatred i do help him.. so ungrateful..duh
~ well, he really short-tempered and very unreasonable guys that I've met..
.. Well, I did not hate him, i just don't like him behaving like that.. I'm not that mean.. one word of sincere sorry is enough..
**didn't remember about telling this already or not... Thanks for letting me having a memory riding ambulance but seriously, I'm really worried bout u that day.. thank god you are fine now~

to my beloved KAT-TUN... its been a while since our last date.. I've been busy lately.. Miss you guys..Cant wait for Going!! Ommedetou for the tour...YATTA..KAT-TUN on the way of making it world wide.. ^^
**love tatsu style in the pic.. hehe~*heart*
Ueda Tatsuya
Hey ya.. I'm happy u find ur soulmate..did i? hehe.. newey just be happy and stay cute my dear.. always supporting U~...
**waiting for ur new piano hits..^^

as for him~ i hope that fits you
.. haven't meet you for a while so i kind of mess out estimating the size..
.. ^^.. atashi mo,
daisuki~ ^^ i love white that why I'm buying white.. well, sorry for stalking you but i did miss you.. as what i really dunno... Miss u babe~ ^^ ~ glad to hear your voice last night~
p/s--to look pretty with own stuff is fine..but with someone stuff? what do u think? duh~ its fine to borrow but dont act it like urs.. irritating~

Business week..
i did business in this week.. we sold

FASA week...
nothing much in the FASA week but something happen and its make me sad

**didn't remember about telling this already or not... Thanks for letting me having a memory riding ambulance but seriously, I'm really worried bout u that day.. thank god you are fine now~

to my beloved KAT-TUN... its been a while since our last date.. I've been busy lately.. Miss you guys..Cant wait for Going!! Ommedetou for the tour...YATTA..KAT-TUN on the way of making it world wide.. ^^
**love tatsu style in the pic.. hehe~*heart*
Ueda Tatsuya
Hey ya.. I'm happy u find ur soulmate..did i? hehe.. newey just be happy and stay cute my dear.. always supporting U~...
**waiting for ur new piano hits..^^

p/s--to look pretty with own stuff is fine..but with someone stuff? what do u think? duh~ its fine to borrow but dont act it like urs.. irritating~
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