Amaeto itsumo no youni kiite ita namida to
ARUBAMU itsumo no youni nagameteta katasumi de hitori mata mienai mirai ni obiete irudareka
dakishimete tada aishite hoshii
Ai no KAKERA wo
nigedasa nu youni kudake nu youni
ryoute de dakishime
kono mama kisetsu ga toori sugite mo
ano yasashisa wa wasurenai
sashikomu hikari ni sukoshi memai wo oboete
watashi wo tsutsumikomu youni yasashiku hanabira ga mau kono machi no keshiki mo iro wo kaete
adokenai yasashii kaze ga hoo wo naderu
sora wo miagete
ano nani mo nai musuu no kumo ni kokoro ubawarete
suzushii hizashi ni terasarete ima sukoshi egao ni nareta kiga shita
itsuka futari de aruita sakura michi de
kawara nu omoi to nigirishimeta sono te wa
itsumo no egao to itsumo no nukumori
nidoto toki wa modorenai kara
ai no SAKURA wa
kono mune ni chiri kesshite ni do to wa
saku koto wa nai kedo
mou ichido itsuka wa
ano "MICHI" wo aruite yuku mata hana wo
sakaseru youni La La La...

雨音 いつものように 聞いていた 涙と
アルバム いつものように 眺めてた 片隅で一人
また見えない未来に 怯えている
誰か抱きしめて ただ愛してほしい
逃げださぬように 砕けぬように 両手で抱きしめ
このまま季節が 通り過ぎても あの優しさは忘れない
差し込む 光に少し 目眩を覚えて
私を 包み込むように 優しく 花びらが舞う
この街の景色も 彩を変えて
あどけない優しい風が 頬を撫でる
あの何もない 無数の曇りに 心奪われて
涼しい日差しに 照らされて今 少し笑顔になれた気がした
いつか 二人で歩いた桜道で
変わらぬ想いと 握りしめたその手は
いつもの笑顔と いつもの温もり
二度と時は 戻れないから
この胸に散り 決して二度とは 咲くことはないけど
もう一度いつかは あの“ミチ”を歩いてゆく また華を咲かせるように

Just like always, listening to rain and tearing
Just like always, listening to rain and tearing
Just like always, sitting at a corner alone flipping the "album"
There is fear for the future, that I cant see
There is fear for the future, that I cant see
Who will I embrace, I just want to love
These pieces of love
These pieces of love
To stop them from running away, from shattering,
I embrace them tightly with both my hands
Even the seasons passed just like that, I cant forget that kindness
I still remember that sunshine, slightly dizzfying
I still remember that sunshine, slightly dizzfying
It enveloped me gently just like dancing flower petals
This path, the scenery, the colours ever changing
This path, the scenery, the colours ever changing
The childlike, gentle breeze that caressed my cheeks
Looking up into the sky
Looking up into the sky
There is nothing, but countless clouds, my heart is gripped
Under the cool sunshine, right now, I am starting to get to used to my smile
The sakura littered path that we once took
The sakura littered path that we once took
The memories that will never change, those hands that I once held
You were always smiling, you always felt so warm
Yet, we cannot return to those times again
Sakura petals
Sakura petals
Scattered in my heart, but they wont bloom again
One day, once again, I would like to take a walk down that "path" for love to bloom again...
~** Sakura @ cherryblossom are nice, aren't they..?
They give a very good feeling to everyone... bringing happiness feeling by the graceful dance as they fall and blown by the soft wind..sweet colour bring the harmony to our heart... Lovely scenary made by them will be the sweet memory for eveyone.. Even the seoson will pass by, there is a promise that they'll come again...
~representing our love story...summer bring the spring away but it doesnt mean that we will never meet the spring again... The sweet love pass by will bring us to the sweeter love sooner or later....Just wait to love and to be love again.........

**Wish that i could see the cherryblossom with my own eye...