The story begins a few month ago... but not actually remember what day because didn't expect it gonna bring till like this..hehe~
It start about in May..
That day, i was studying in my friend room (Mie - who is recently craze with Maru n Junno)..
F.Y.I previously I was Korean Craze..So, i have lots of lots Korean Song.. On that day..We was sharing a pair of earphone, one side each hearing to my Korean Playlist in my phone..When it come to "Memories" an OST from " Yu-Hee the Witch"..Suddenly, Mie Said"Well this song is more a like....urm.. What it is..Urm... Lin (Mie roomate)..!! What is that song? Why dont you play it.....Then, she play.........
It start about in May..
That day, i was studying in my friend room (Mie - who is recently craze with Maru n Junno)..
F.Y.I previously I was Korean Craze..So, i have lots of lots Korean Song.. On that day..We was sharing a pair of earphone, one side each hearing to my Korean Playlist in my phone..When it come to "Memories" an OST from " Yu-Hee the Witch"..Suddenly, Mie Said"Well this song is more a like....urm.. What it is..Urm... Lin (Mie roomate)..!! What is that song? Why dont you play it.....Then, she play.........
Waa........ nice piano note.......Lovely.....really fall in love at a first sight.. first sight actually.. is first time hearing.... Plus, I'm really attracted to Piano n Violin instrument....They are lovely....even they are not alive, they seems like understand me the true feeling.....Without hearing all the song ( just the piano part)..... Bluetooth please!! Hehe~ Got it..!! Thank You...
Ooo.. I see.. "Love in snow"..Urm..Lovely..Starting from that point.. My Music playlist was filled with only one song.. There is just one and only one song "Love in Snow".... Repeating the piano part without hearing the rest..Lovely..Well after about five times I start being tired to repeat as i have tos Then, i was thinking..why dont give a chance to the song and hear whole song as it comes together ~
Setsunakunaru kaerimichi..................Yamu hazuno nai yuki wo?......lalala la........
Again..of course it LOVELY and sOo SWEET... For a week that is the only song that I hear every single day n every single time i was with my phone..I'm telling this fo serious.. Several day after that, Lin shows me the singer picture..Is it?Well, of course no comment bout that..What was his name..? He is Ueda..Ueda Tatsuya..n he wrote by himself that song..
__________THIS IS THE STARTING POINT_________
Since that i did really know how i could really like him SOO MUCH.. Well he is Cute.. Sweet..Adorable..Kawaii ne...Suddenly, one day, Lin says.. He is KAT-T'U'N..Standing as "U"......What?!..I've tought he is just Ueda and Ueda is Ueda Tatsuya.....Well.......Start to know KAT-TUN..They are GREAT....Combination of different personalities but still can stand n being ONE.........Then, Lin start to tell story about Ueda Tatsuya....KAT-TUN....JOHNNY's (NEWS, Hey!Say!JUMP!, Kanjani 8.....included Ya-Ya-yah)

**Ueda Tatsuya
_______Start to being obses with UEDA TATSUYA......n KAT-TUN..._____
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