and shu shuuu cobweb..

Barely manage to find this image.. Exactly the same look but not the same thing. I've lost the real thing and it such a regret... Here is the story that I barely remember since I was 9 years old that time. I have a friend that live on the exact same road and studying at the exact same class… and yes, we was 9. The memory is fading

The separation happen at the end of standard 3…That year we sit the PTS together and he had to move following his family and with my teeny tiny little brain I believe that he move oversea.. and that doll girl holding cake is the exactly the look of his first and last present for me..

Amazingly, it so like dream come true..
He found me.. haha..
through this blog… like seriously..
..ma… maybe…. Haha… I, seriously
rarely updating my blog since my final year.. it just happen that me being lazy
after all.. and nothing much to spill… Last year… at the very last day of the
year… the very-very 31st December 2013, I feel like updating as I was
hoping 2014 will seriously open the new sheet of my life… laying out all my
wishlist hope and dream… before doing that I just like strolling back through
the previous post, reminiscing and self-evaluation on how much I grow, how good
and how bad I've become and then . . . . . . . . . . . . . this little comment came to my eye...
it was ages before.. almost like a year and more before… I was like,
... should I reply?
Should I not? Who is this person? When ‘this person’ mention my very old school
I can help but being excited and curios… but I still wonder, is it too late, or
very late… but still I just put my reply with a hope that ‘this person’ will
and all the curiosity have come to the end… to the very end this morning…
its him… its definitely him.. and he never move oversea actually... I wonder
where did I get that idea.. haha…


There is a lot of thing floating in my mind… Lots of
wondering and lots of imagination… Yes, we were 9 back then but we are 24 right
now… so much thing have change... the physical… did he grow tall? or short? or
skinny? or chubby?…
... oh.. I wonder… how
does his minded sounds like? …
... oh.. I wonder… haha… since I did grow much being
chubby and plumpy ever… that’s gonna surprise him I guess.. haha… what is his
music passion? …
... oh I wonder this too… well much about me can be figure out
through this blog… the like and the dislike.. the passion and even the picture but
it sooo like blank sheet about him other that our 9 years old memory.. can’t
wait to catch up with this old friend… I wish we will have our live
conversation soon..

:: This is what we call fate…
:: I'm glad that I write a blog
:: I'm glad that you comment..
:: I'm glad that you comment..

:: Hope we will manage to catch up and become best buddy
:: :: I did reply the email fast right? (I am unemployed that’s
why.. haha)

Sore dake... OWARI~!!
Ha3, Oh how all those memories from long ago are flowing through my mind right now by reading this entry (thankfully the cat survived with a broken hind leg which recovered a month later).
ReplyDeletep/s: Judging from your blog, I can take a guess that you are into Japanese music (especially J-Pop), which I also listen to among a lot of things, such as the band, X Japan and Spitz, it really help sets the mood when going to work, hu3. Hopefully this answers a bit about my musical passion ;).
Me too... At the moment i write this post the memory come and goes.. haha.. lucky that cat... Are you keeping any pet right now?
Deletep/s Yes!! I'm j-pop fans..KAT-TUN especially..haha... because their song are inspiring (like this FIRE and ICE song that i used for my blog).. and i can see u are into j-rock with those x japan and spitz.. the only jrock that i'm familiar with is Gackt.. hehe.. I have deep passion with Japan actually.. I love sakura.. as u can see... =P and wish that someday i'll spend spring in Japan... Kyaaaa... ^^v .... but overall i'm quite general in music... i love all genre.. pop, rock, traditional, orchestra, and all lah..
pp/s can we cut out with this english conversation.. Penat la fikir vocab.. haha.. but somehow this one is english blog... the malay blog is the other one.. haha... :D
ppp/s and i'm still curious how come you can got "stumble" here.. O.o?
Hahaha, as you wish, boleh je cakap malay, cuma farid t'jumpa blog ni in english, jd sangka Illi prefer cakap omputih, :D, huhu. Farid dh x bela any pets dh sekarang ni, Illi pulak camne?
ReplyDeletep/s: Illi ada pegi 'Bon Odori' punya festival kat shah alam tu? Personally, I've never gone there myself, tp member yang pergi tu mention event tu mmg awesome.
pp/s: Camne boleh stumble sini? Ha3, sbenarnya bertahun2 jugak cuba nak cari Illi kt Google, tp selama ni farid type 'Illi Erisa', memang x jumpa la kan. One day, farid ada contact ngan kawan sekolah Encik Buyong kt FB,(Illi ingat lg x Arif Azhar?) pastu baru dia betulkan my spelling. Pastu the first result yg jumpa lpas search adalah blog nie, And the rest they say is history ;D
I'm the one that curios but end up doing the talking.. haha.. However the meet up still answer few question.. You are tall and i cant read ur mind.. haha.. so, no deduction~ =P