Have you ever like someone??
Have you ever feel like liking someone??
Have you ever love someone??
Have you ever feel like loving someone??
You do...at least for one of the above quest right.. even an inch... haha...??
People says that "don't judge a book by its cover"
the fact is, it is cover that the first thing that people will look at... admit it... Maaa... you can say it is coincidence that you will be attracted to one face or look first before you get to know him or her.. but with that kind of attraction then you'll move forward for another step... 

recently I've been attracted to this guy.. well.. as for me he is cute.. for others, i don't know.. different people make different judgement, right?? First meeting is during my koir for ko-Q in which 2 years ago.. at first i did not stalk him much.. haha...
*smack myself*
.. but then as the time pass by I since there is too much glimpse - referring to my fourth SEM, the stalking behavior become worst haha...
*smack myself again*
.. urg... my heart become doki-doki everytime we glimpse.. kyaaa~!!.... all i know is he is in third year turning to fourth year this...use to wear white backpack, bodyglove one if i'm not mistaken la ~.. haha... stalking much huh? hazukashi...
...well, blame me for stalking but it just a normal way of me observing people... have I ever told you that my classmate mostly have nice eyelash~ especially Kak Ieju....ma.....I made a bet to myself, since i won't meet him because of the campus change i'll give him my handmade keychain IF I MEET/GLIMPSE HIM ON MY LAST DAY... and i did meet him but i didn't give him because the timing is worst... he just get off the bus at that time.. so, lots of his classmate around which mean that it is improper~ it sad but no regret...
...since giving him at the first place itself is not proper... Well, since someone ask me to make a confession, then i will in indirect way.. can ah? hehe...

...its hard to confess when you like someone when you are a girl...all you can do just pray that the guy notice you~ but is HE is really the one?? *self questioning*...
Hey you.. I like you -
- can this consider as confession?...haha... Ma... i can't say your name and i can't say much about you because I didn't have a chance to get to know you.. Demo ne,daijobu dayo...
..if fate fare us well, we will meet again itsuka~

reflecting yourself to the situation is need.. is HE/SHE IS REALLY THE ONE?? the one here would mean that the ONE that really fated to you.. in other word future life partner...
...of course you don't to waste up your lovey-dovey
... act with someone that you will not be together in the future right??..Well, keep the faith that if he really fated for you, the moment will come....Fate will fare us well...
.. I believe that~! Shinjiru ne~! but of course it is a hard things to do right?? sort of feeling will make us outa control sometimes... Anyhow, if there is circumstance just back to OUR CREATOR~! insya-ALLAH~!

My advice: Find someone who love you rather than insisting someone loving you but never afraid to love someone...*complicated huh?*
A bit about me: Well, I'm that kind of easy to fall in love.. that is unavoidable fact about me... So, the best way is clinging to him.. so that i won't easily fall in love... we are friend...
... I'm very certain about that fact...the way people see me is real me.. i'm not that kind of girl who fake their behavior in front of guy, but of course we have to behave ourself as a girl...
...So, just be yourself because real relationship start with the real you...FAKE is TIRING~~!

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