..haha.. promise is a promise...its hentai lecture... maa... dunno what to say it just... WHY TODAY LECTURE IS SOO HENTAI FOR BOTH SUBJECT??

**the story become short since i forget what exactly happen.. nyiahahah!!

Well.. TEAMWORK and GROUPING.. how much did you like those thing??
.. Maa... I'm not saying that I'm good in those but i really hate when this happen in grouping:

1. Treating you are great and others like baka...This kind of people PLEASE knock you head
and cut it out before i knock and cut you!!!
2. When others is objecting and opposing idea...the member will say, "Oh! since you are saying it why don't you do it.. i dont know since its your idea"...WHAT THE IKAN
betoi la!!..
..well, its teamie work... TOGETHER OKEY!! even your idea is rejected..

2. When others is objecting and opposing idea...the member will say, "Oh! since you are saying it why don't you do it.. i dont know since its your idea"...WHAT THE IKAN

3. "Asal ada sudah"... This quote I hate the most..

... Since we cannot change people, JUST FOLLOW THE FLOW
~... Follow the flow well like an excellent not like a stupid cow with ring on it nose.. hahaha!!!

... hehe... again.. well, i feel like i'm surviving here alone.. well, i know there is lots of people around me but still sabishi ne~... i feel like some is being friend because we have to be not because we want to be.. i can feel that... lately, from my observation, i also can see that people always put blame other because of what others have done but they never see what they have done to others..
..actually, a thing that i wanna say is, we are the same but we just dont realize it..

admit it dear, don't be angry any longer... unless u are that hard so you wont admit and wont try to see... sigh.. My deary friend.. I LOVE YOU GUYS NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU GUYS HATE ME..

the P.A system... haha... not that audio system and also not Private Assistant.. it is "Penasihat Akademik" or "Academic Advisor"... refreshing back to the early SEM i notice that this sem PA wasn't like before in which each class got the same PA... BIGGG SIGH at first... Second BIGGG SIGH when i saw the name of my P.A is kind of old man name and overseas.. ops... gomen ne P.A
... it just 1st impression.. then, i look out at the portal to search a little about my PA.... gomen again because i'm ******** at you pic... can help too... maaa...early guys adolescence face you know... i did the same thing we i see my classmate matric card... hehe... gomen...gomen...*bow*
..no offend... hehe.. then we got the registration slip in which will be the excuse for us to meet out PA.. hahaha..

kitaa~~ i met him after the class... DONT JUDGE A BOOK FROM ITS COVER.. hehe...
HE IS JUST NICE no old man feeling and he is not that old..almost the same age of my brother.. haha... wish to say that but i dont have brother...hehe... thats my comment when the first time we met......haha...and when it is 2nd time.. doesn't he look like arrogant? he did not even smile when we met at faculty... adey... hehe... but think positive, he can't recognize you in one meeting la cik earissa oi!!! haha...
SUDDEN PLAN!! we got a form that need to be fill for the whole sem which involve the meeting with P.A...BIGGEST SIGH...i remember his word when we first met.."at least kene jumpe sekali" now the statement need to be drop... its 24 times... argh.. killers..
last week Wed, i met him.. assume it to be 1st time for the form... haha... i cant help from laughing whele talking... Gomen ne Sir..
.. It just i cant help from laughing to overcome my nervousness... adey... and thanks for the advice and the hadis... 2nd meeting, we come in a group and we take a turn.. well, this time i really have no comment.. but i wanna comment, why is my comment in the form wasn't be fill but other is.. huhu... i wonder.... sir, anything just be straight ok? and thanks also for 2nd meeting advice.. i'll take note of it okey
~~~ ^^~ see u soon~ jya~
~**~Weeks pass just fine it just i dont have time to give myself a break and enjoy.. i guess i really gonna slow down taking note about them until my final.. huhu.. dear P.A i hope we can enjoy the SEM together.. Sometime i'm no good in face to face, but i always trying my best because IT IS ME!! daijoubu... i know my target and I'm working on it OK? dean, KITAA!!!!
last week Wed, i met him.. assume it to be 1st time for the form... haha... i cant help from laughing whele talking... Gomen ne Sir..

Holiday KITAA!!! demo EXAM KITAA mo!!!Hadey~~~ huhu....
~**~Weeks pass just fine it just i dont have time to give myself a break and enjoy.. i guess i really gonna slow down taking note about them until my final.. huhu.. dear P.A i hope we can enjoy the SEM together.. Sometime i'm no good in face to face, but i always trying my best because IT IS ME!! daijoubu... i know my target and I'm working on it OK? dean, KITAA!!!!
***i guess I'll talk more about my P.A soon.. wait yer~~ ^^
**** n i guess i laugh too much~ "jgn ketawa bnyk sgt, nt mati" --PA advice!! ^^
**** n i guess i laugh too much~ "jgn ketawa bnyk sgt, nt mati" --PA advice!! ^^
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