Haha.. What a random title..and this is random post
Ma... recently I did some update..
--If I Were You--
OK! SPiLL~!!
Seriously! I wanna play basketball~!!!! Its really been years since I had my last basketball game..Uh!

No longer dean-list~!!
..Gomen ne Papa..*bow2*... still congrate Lynn for your dean-list~! *hugs*

Ma.. thats all... hehe.. btw thanks to him, the parcel manage to arrive on time..and glad u like it Aween~

Holidays over~!!! Arghh!! Ma recently got totally immerse with karaoke thingy... but usually i go with my lady friend la...Last time, it's really fun.. We sing all four KAT-TUN songs.. which is White, Bokura no Machi de, Run For You and Yorokobi no Uta.. Maaa.. I dont really remember the lyric thou.. plus the lyric on skrin is in Hira+Kata+Kanji... So, me as Hyphen just blurt out all the word that I remember... haha.. I like it the most on YnU song.. haha.. I sing concert version. woots.. where the aishiteru be the aishitemasu.. and shout it out loud as if I'm giving the concert... hahahaha~!!! then.. also song "The Boys-SNSD" and "Doushite kimi o suki ni natte shimatandarou" in which i kinda remember-forget the lyric and also not forget lagu "Kata-Hazami" hehe.. Soredake!
Owh.. Really wish can play keyboard sooner or later thou~!!

: : My holiday is almost over.. and I'm going for intern~ wish me luck ya...
: : Forget to mention.. we are totally "merapu" at Koki rap... haha..
: : Forget to mention.. we are totally "merapu" at Koki rap... haha..
: : Currently fall in love with Park Shi Hoo in Princess Man~!!! yo!