Sad opening...

Happy ending~~
Ohayo... hehe...7 November.. is a day i was born.. accurate timing is 4 am.. haha... no wonder I'm this naughty..

Basically, i start to get wish since 12.00 am.. arigatou ne minna for the wish~~ fuh fuh... tired replying all the wish from fb and text msg, i went to bed by 3..

.. haha...
((**i try my best to reply tq to minna so that they know that i really appreciate my 20th birthday wish))

OMO.. I'm 20...haha

its turn out to be bad when i call the post office to ask about the return parcel which didn't reach aween... tssk..tskk...

. the good thing is the parcel is still there and the bad thing is Okane.. $_$...hahaha... i really dun understand why i need to pay back for the returned parcel...

demo..Alhamdullilah the makcik post that I'm dealing with today is nice... hehe...
at the end of the day good thing start to happen~~ well.. my TANJOUME day~~
10.00 am...woken up by my friend called..

..already feel bad since I am emo when my sleep was interupted.. haha..
10.30 am after tired rolling

on the bed i remember about the parcel case so i called the post office and he said let he confirm first and he will call me back..
~waiting while reply fb text~rolling on the bed~
11.30... "U may claim but u have to pay"...then i go what??? nande??

i already paid for the sending cost..n.. the person go "bla..bla..blaa and blaa.. blaa...."..

..so.. Ok fine!

I'll claim it... wuwuu....
then the process to go is soo stressful since i got no transport.. ayark... calling here and ther n i finally got one by 2.30... went up to the office... i waiting in the waiting room and... waiting n KAME!!!!
the office process went smoothly n i got the parcel back.. haha... people most be wonder why should i pay more since autually the money can be use to buy the thing in the box again...

.. hurm... buts its really have its value...

~~ well... actually, after i'm done with parcel stuff i start to feel better.. myb since my big question has it ans already ne...
3.30... walking to KB mall n enjoy~~

... hehe... got treat from my friend... my lunch and a slice of secret recepi cake~~ XDD

chicken mcdeluxe!!!

strawberry-marshmellow at SR~~


then a choco-marshmallow... a treat from me to my self~~
then for the returning back to college trip.. its still troublesome since i have non to pick me up....but its a relief since bokuno tomodaci pick me.. yatta... TQ Jai-ho~~ haha...i assume thats my tanjoubi purezento ok~~~ XDD
after the shower...(**luckily there is water since the hostel got water supply prob lately)... doing the relegion course then i on FB... well.. u comment...
and this...

~~~arigatou nacchan!!! aishiteru mo~~~

my dearest SBP Girlz... tq so much for the tiramisu kaeki.. daisukiyo~~~
the best part is Miss TATSUYA!!! aha... love u guys~~~ aah.. its remind me last year the baloon with uepi names~~ cho ureshi!!!!!
ureshi deshou~~ hehe.. tq to my FAMILY.....ARIGATOU NACCHAN... n MINNA mo for the wish... roro n hani... tq for the song... n also my friend with the angklong tanjoubi song.. tsk..tsk.. sgt terharu...she play the angklong song for me... tsk..tsk...tq seha for the Tanjoume treat...and DEAREST SBP SWEETS GIRLS!!!! sayang kamoo~~ haha~~~Yosh... off for benkyo...

love you guys... zutto!!
**Its finally 8th Nov n he forget.. well.. as i expected~ sigh~~